Friday, March 6, 2009

God has a plan!

The picture tonight is one Steve made of a downy woodpecker when we were at Big Cedar. I love going over these pictures because it brings back the great adventure we had. I love seeing all these magnificent birds that God made and their environment. It leaves me breathless and I love those moments. You know if He went to the trouble to make so many different birds, just think how He made us all different and beautiful in our own ways and perfect for our environment. We pass by so many details like this and never notice, let alone appreciate them. That’s why I love it when we take the time and opportunity to explore and appreciate things like these birds that I’m sharing with you. They are more than pretty pictures to me; they remind me that we have an awesome God who cares enough to know the number of hairs on our heads. I imagine He gave me this curly hair on purpose, so I thank Him and love Him.

Tonight we went to a legislative dinner. The Farm Bureau hosted a dinner and invited folk from this county and a couple of surrounding counties, and there were two house members and one senator there, as well as the Farm Bureau’s lobbyist and a couple of field representatives. I found it so very interesting. It’s another example of how different people are because God made us all different! We are in rural Oklahoma and all the people at this meeting were so in tune to rural needs. When we lived in Oklahoma City, I was very involved with the insurance business and even became a registered lobbyist for our agents in the state. I knew all about our issues, but I had no clue about rural issues. As I sat there tonight my heart shifted into gear with our rural interests. I was reminded, again, that we get so wrapped up in our own little world that we let the rest of the world pass right by us. Sometimes that’s okay, but sometimes we might miss something we don’t want to miss.

I look at our country and the mess it’s in and think we must have let a lot slip by when we were in our own little world. How is it that we are now rewarding failure and punishing excellence? Let me NOT get up on a political platform, but I do challenge you to watch what is going on around you, whether it be beautiful birds and sweet bunnies or politicians spending our money. Let’s don’t let slip away from us what our forefathers fought to build and leave to us.


  1. AMEN!! Preach on "sister"!! Thanks for the challenge to watch what is going on (our forefathers must be doing real flip flops!!); I think I've about had it though and will focus on the birds and sweet bunnies.....please keep those precious pictures coming!!

    Love U!

  2. These are all pictures that Steve got at Big Cedar. It was so much fun to share it with them and it's wonderful that they get such great pictures to keep it fresh in our minds!

    So glad you've figured out how to post. Are you doing something different that might help others to do it?

    Love you,

