Saturday, December 30, 2006

Friday Dec 29 Update

Now, this is too cool! It’s Friday and I’m flying from Los Angeles to Honolulu, and I can connect to the Internet! I thought I’d write what I could and save it and send it whenever I get to Bob’s house in Hawi, but I’m going to send it from way in the air. I like this!

We had an extra patient come into the clinic yesterday, so things got hectic. However, it was wonderful to see her! She is another breast cancer patient who I met the first week I was in Tijuana. She lives in the LA area, so she comes down to Tijuana for hyperthermia and IPT once a month. (I hope I don’t have to do that!!!) She had a way more serious cancer than mine, and she is doing very, very well. She is a storehouse of information, so I was glad to get her card so we can communicate after our brief meetings. We left an hour later than we meant to leave, but everything worked fine. When we came across the border, they made us go through a secondary inspection because of all my supplements. They didn’t even look at them, but they detained us 15 minutes longer. We ended up crossing the border in an hour and a half, so that wasn’t so bad. My driver was the husband of our precious nurse, Marena. He doesn’t speak much English, but enough and he is an awesome driver. I only gasped one time, and he just smiled and said it was okay. He helped me get my bags up to my room in the hotel and looked like he hated to leave me there. J God love him!

The hotel in LA was a pit. The price was right and it was better than sleeping in the airport, but it was the worst place I’ve ever stayed. I didn’t even undress or take a bath. I brushed my teeth and carefully went to bed so I wouldn’t be a zombie today. I made the reservation and it met my criteria of having a shuttle to the airport and being cheap. It was actually DIRT-cheap because in my non-smoking room there was an ash tray with ashes in it. The fridge worked to keep my meds cool, though, so that counted for something. I didn’t even consider taking a bath or shower. I’m sure I’m cleaner with neither than I would have been had I used that tub. Ugh. Don has loved me on our sweaty walks, so he’ll still be glad to see me if I missed a bath one time. It was just part of the experience. It was probably what you thought it might be like in Tijuana, but it reminded me that we had it VERY NICE in Tijuana. I never took pictures of the hotel, but you could look it up on the Internet at their web site. It was the Hotel Real Del Rio, I think. I just tried to look it up to confirm the address, and it didn’t work, so maybe this connection isn’t so cool after all. Anyway, I was grateful for the pit, relative to sleeping in the hotel or spending mega bucks in something better. I lived over it and TODAY is reunion day with Don!

I slept the first hour in the plane. Now, I’m freezing cold, so I got out the laptop to warm up my lap, at least. I have about 2 ½ more hours to fly to Honolulu, and then I have to gather my bags and go over to Hawaiian Airlines to fly to Kona. I was 11 pounds over on one of my bags this morning, so I took out a couple of bags I had prepared in case I had to remove something. It was a couple of plastic Wal-Mart type bags; one with herbs for the next couple of months and one with clothes I could stand to throw away if they wouldn’t let me carry them on with me. I crammed them all into one bag, and nobody said I couldn’t carry them on. I look like the original bag lady, but it’ll help Don to recognize me since I don’t have on any make up. He’ll recognize the bag lady with the red shirt! J I got spoiled in the clinic not wearing makeup, so I may come out of this absolutely clean!

Oh, my! This is way long. Next time I report will be from my home away from home in Hawi! Thanks for keeping up with me. I love you all!

PS: I'm in Kona at the airport WITH DON, waiting on my luggage. It looks like I might have a connection, so I'll try to send it again! Oh happy day! God is so good!

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