Sunday, December 24, 2006

Sunday Dec 24 Update - Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, Everyone! Today has been a wonderful day for me. I slept late so that was a blessing! Then I had a light breakfast of some high protein foods the doctor had sent home with me. He is such a cool guy; he brought treats for me to have at the clinic and then sent them home with me. One is like rice cakes made with molasses. That’s what it tastes like but I’m sure that’s not what it is. The other is a lot like oatmeal cookies, only lighter. They are delicious treats, and along with fruit they are plenty for me to eat. The next good thing is this is the 7th day of my meds, so I only take 3 of this one at 3 different times during the day. It’s wonderful to have a day of easy meds. Then Don wrote that awesome post. What a day to start out my day! He really thinks I’m terrific; we have this boomerang kind of fan club going between us, so I am completely happy.

The other patient, Irene, came over with a Christmas CD she had bought and we played it on the computer. That was a fun treat. Then we found a great picture of the Christmas tree from the clinic, so we enjoyed viewing that and sending it to her brother and sister. I’ll send it to Trish and maybe she can put it onto the blog. We spent some time counting our blessings and reliving Christmas times in our past and thanking God for all our many blessings and of course asking for healing. We went down to the hotel restaurant and had a wonderful Christmas meal. She did great; she’s learning to order things that she really can get down with only 3 teeth. I’m enjoying so much getting her to smile and laugh, which she was embarrassed to do at first. She’s a joy and she has great memories to share. I’m headed to the bath right now and she’s back in her room waiting for a call from her aunt. She’ll come to my room tonight, later, and we’re going to do a little Christmas celebration on our own with Jose Feliciano in the background. She is such a Santa; she has given everyone in the hotel chocolates and they all love her to death! I’m not going to poison them with chocolates, so I just flash them a smile, which Ilene is afraid to flash with her teeth gone. She’s such a sport, though; she keeps saying, “All I want for Christmas is my TEETH!”

I talked to Don and he is having a good day, too. If there is no earthquake then how could you have a bad day in Hawaii? FOUR more days till I follow him! Remember I love you all! Thanks for your encouraging words and prayers!


  1. Here's an ammendment to the blog! You can see that I'm still confused. I called Irene by her name right and then turned around and called her Ilene. Marena, our nurse caller her Ilene (It's like 'jur' baby and 'yams' - a lost in the translation kind of thing because of how we pronounce letters differently.), so I catch myself calling her Ilene! She's a good sport about that, too! Her name is really Irene. I hope I don't mess up again. Merry Christmas, Mary Jo

  2. Mary Jo, You have been so courageous through all of this. I think of you daily and admire your wonderful faith. Soon you will be safely in Hawaii with Don and can have a rest and enjoy the sunshine. Merry Christmas , Love, Bettye Jo

  3. Oh, my goodness! How wonderful to hear such encouraging words from you, Bettye Jo! [Everyone, this is my cousin who was the first in our generation to have and recover from this breast cancer that was passed down to my mom and us from our precious Nolie (our maternal grandmother). She also has the name I would have had if it wasn't already taken in our family, so I've always felt a special closeness to her. A few years ago she even put me in touch with my boyfriend from kindergarten, who is my oldest pal and has even posted on the blog a couple of times.] BJ, you know this cancer didn't stop Nolie or Mom or you, so I'm not about to let it get me down; I had courageous examples set for me. I'm having a peaceful and beautiful Christmas. I've talked to Don and we both look forward to Friday, when I meet him in Hawaii. Then it's going to be a wonderful 2 months. God is so good to give us this healing opportunity. Thank you so much for keeping me in your thoughts and for writing. We'll have a cousins reunion soon and share big hugs. Merry Christmas, and I love you, Mary Jo

  4. Whoops! I got the day right, but the date wrong!! I was thinking Christmas Eve and the 'Christmas' part got through, but the 'Eve' part got lost somewhere between my head and and my hand. Sorry for the confusion. Must be those pregnancy hormones....


  5. WOW! Did you all get that last hint in Tricia's post??? PREGNANCY hormones!!! I got the hint and called her. Their baby #6 is due July 20th!!! This will be a cousin for Gretta's Elena to grow up with like Sadie and Garrett got to do. I've tried to call Don twice to count the joys (this one will be grandbaby #15)with him, but I can't get through. So, I'm counting here with the whole world! Thanks Trish for a wonderful Christmas present! Love, Mom
