Friday, January 12, 2007

From the blogmaster...

Hi guys!

OKC is having a big ice storm today and all weekend. They are predicting tons and gobs of ice and possible power outages. If we lose power, I won't be able to update the blog. Don't worry! Mom and Dad have no ice problems in Hawaii - they are nice and toasty and enjoying the tropics. Don't worry about us either, we are stocked up, bundled and ready to snuggle should the need arise. It may be that we don't lose power at all - which would be cool! Just didn't want you guys to worry if the blog goes un-updated for a day or so. Back to your regularly scheduled day!



  1. My goodness, Trish! Thanks for warning everyone in the midst of all you have happening there. An ice storm is NO FUN. We're happy to be missing it, but we hate that you have to go through it. Thank you so much for doing this blog; everyone gives me the credit, but I just write the stuff and you do the work. Thanks for making it happen. Dad and I and the rest of the whole world love you and pray for your safety! Mom

  2. Hi Tricia, I am an old high school friend of your mother's and I would also like to say 'thank you' for the terrific job you are doing with this blog. I have so enjoyed getting to know Jo again and sharing the web site with lots of her friends from Franklin Co., TN. Have a great day with electricity I hope. Thanks again, Linda Knight Rose
