Monday, January 1, 2007

Happy New Year!

The first picture is the back side of the house. There is a dormant plumeria tree with just a few leaves on the top. These are the trees that make the blooms they use a lot in making lays. Some places on the island they are in full bloom, but these will bloom at some other time. Notice the kitchen window sticks out. Another day I'll send a picture of the beauty in that window from the inside. Notice the pretty pink leaved hedge that marks the back edge of their property.
The second picture is the driveway going out to the main road. On the left of the drive are the huge bushes with reddish leaves. On the right are the citrus trees that keep me and the cows happy. Notice all the grapefruit in the driveway; it looks like this every day until we get out there and pick them up and share with the cows. I'm so surprised that the cows love them!
My view from Bob's office where I sit and work with my laptop has a dormant plumeria tree with a few blooms and leaves on top and the driveway to the road in the background. Around the plumeria tree are the poinsettias with little white blooms. I guess God makes it even better in heaven, but this sure must be a preview!

Today is the first day of 2007 and I’m getting to be lazy. I cooked and did laundry the other days. Don is watching football. We are in a different time zone, so the games started at 6 this morning. He is faithful, so he got up and watched. I can watch football, but I’m not faithful at it. So, I slept until 7.

I got up and made real biscuits from whole-wheat flour. Maybe the next ones will turn out better? What kind of flour doesn’t come with a recipe on the bag? Whole-wheat! I found a recipe on the Internet, but I didn’t know how to work the oven. When you bake biscuits for 15 minutes on 210, it’s not a good start. Bless Don’s heart, he’s just like his dad; he THANKED me for them! They were better than the NO BISCUITS that he’d been making for himself, but they’ll get better. While I was baking the biscuits the second time on 425, I squeezed juice out of 5 grapefruit! I found a juicer and went right to town. Man, that juice is so good!

No wonder I was tired after breakfast and went back to bed! I forgot I did all that. The juicing was the most tiresome part, but it was worth it.

That last 4-hour hyperthermia and IPT session left me with a really sore arm. If I didn’t know better I’d think I had a spider bite. I’ve been in touch with Dr. Santa Cruz and he told me to put something cool on it 3 times a day. So, I’ve got my ice pack wrapped in a towel and it has become my best friend. It has helped the swelling and the pain is better as long as it’s ‘frozen.’ This is such a minor deal, but I tell you so that you will know this is not just heaven here; I really am suffering some. J That’s an exaggeration; this is NOT suffering! This is heaven and I am grateful that it’s not something really horrible happening. This is just where the veins are unhappy that they had strong stuff going in and they are complaining about it so that I won’t ever do it again! The veins kept trying to get away, but we managed to always catch one. This one is really angry about being caught and used! I’ve emailed with Dr. Santa Cruz, and he told me to put some salve on it, which we hope to find tomorrow. I don’t expect any place that has it would be open today. How wonderful is it to go through a month of treatment for cancer and come out with only the complaint of a sore arm? God is so good.

I love you all!


  1. Hi Jo!

    You can be've earned it!
    As I read your journal notes today telling us about your sore arm, etc. I thought "there you go making a pie out of the lemon life tossed you"! It is truly wonderful that you only have that to complain about after a month of treatment! I doubt if you have with you the book I gave you "Grace for the Moment", but I thought of you as I read today's thought. I told you a few weeks ago "God picked you for this..."
    The thought for today was entitled "Packed for a Purpose" and said in part: "You were born prepacked. God looked at your entire life, determined your assignment and gave you the tools to do the job". As Don says, "You've got what it takes" and have had all along...God packed you that way!!! Wow...the one tomorrow is awesome for you too! (just had to peek!!)You just hang in there and curl up like "Iky" and be content being lazy!!

    We love you!
    Ruthie and Phil

  2. What an awesome post! Thank you for sharing the thoughts with me. I miss that book. I only brought with me the book I was reading and left it at the clinic since I was having weight problems.

    I have the Bible on the computer. Irene gave me Dodie Osteen's book and a collection of good thoughts. Then my dear friend, Amanda, mailed a book to me here in Hawi. I'm going after it like cancer after sugar! It is very inspirational.

    I'll be glad to ge back to my "Grace for the Moment" when we get home. I handled it and weighed it before we left, but decided to leave it. I felt like Momasan packing to go to Japan; everything was about weight! I talked to an Avon lady today because I need Skin So Soft; I'm hoping it will help to keep the flies away from me while we whale watch. She wanted me to buy some bargains and I tried to explain it's all about weight these days, not bargains.

    "Packed for a purpose." I love that. Tomorrow you'll tell me that one, too, right?

    I love you; what a great big sister you are.


    Mary Jo

  3. Hello to you lazy girl!!! You know what, if you were lazy you sure wouldn't have done laundry and cleaning and picture taking and sending 'updates' and especiallly making biscuits!! That was great! I know Don wouldn't fib and he did like them. Don't ever put yourself down! Remember you both have Got What It Takes!!! I guess if you didn't complain just a little we might get to thinking it was Heaven on Earth or a full time party. Not really, we all know it isn't all fun but you sure are a strong person to take it in stride. I know having Don by your side helps more than a little. And Your Big Sister is certainly pulling for you. We are all praying and will keep on through out eternity or as long as we live. I feel just like I have been to Hawaii by your vidid description. I enjoy the pictures you send. Wish we were there to help you and the cows eat and enjoy the grapefruit. ha Live every day to the fullest and know God Loves You Both and so do we.
    Dot and Frazier

  4. Dot thanks for taking time to keep up with me and even post when your daughter is there with you, even! It means so much to me to know that folks from all over the world are praying for me and going on this journey with me. It is mostly delightful and all the love I'm getting is absolutely delightful! I'm glad you're enjoying this trip to Hawaii with me. If I didn't have this cancer only a few people would be getting some few descriptions, but thanks to the cancer Trish set up the blog and folks are interested in my life. I think God wants me to share it all. It is all so awesome, too!

    You should have been here tonight. I tried to teach Don how to do the lymph massage. I thought he would love it when I gave him one, but I guess those hairs guys have on their arms, legs, back and chest take all the fun out of it. So he wanted the abreviated version.

    Then he did me. It was pretty comical, but he got really good after a little practice. I realized I should have had him watch the nurse do it instead of thinking I could teach him by doing it to him. Anyway, we live, learn and enjoy.

    We were both laughing so much I thought of you and Jane when your little girls come out! We got the massage done, though, and I think we'll do better each time. He's a saint to keep up the massage part for me. He does so much more, too. I'm so fortunate to have him and his great love. I love you two, too! Thanks for caring so much for me. I'll think of you with each swig of grapefruit juice!



  5. Mary Jo, hope you are feeling better. Hope your arm is ok. Give me a call, I'm at 325-7557, or my cellphone 896-3497. Let's get together. Al Miyatake
