Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Freezing day.

Today has been a regular hot day for Oklahoma in September, but I'm freezing. It just happens. It's the chemo. Some days are just cold. Don shakes his head as I walk in wearing sweats and a winter knit cap. I started off the day in a denim dress and a railroad conductor hat, but I added a knit cap as the day passed. Finally I wrapped up my PICC in plastic and got into a tub of hot water to warm my bones. That’s when I appeared in sweats. I used to go back and forth between whether I liked cold or hot the best. I always picked cold because you can wrap up to get warm, but when it’s really hot, there’s only so much you can do. Then I started having hot flashes and that confirmed that I like cold best. I think I like 30 best because it’s easier to live with hot or cold. At 59 the hot flashes and freezing spells are simply an endurance test. Nothing seems to help a lot. I get to be creative with piling on hats and then jerking them off. I’m glad Don finds it entertaining; some men disappear, but I thank God he doesn’t!

The pictures on the blog today are:

1) Sadie and Mason watching TV. Notice the wound on Sadie’s leg; she’s not a tomboy, but she can keep up with her brothers. Until Grace came along she was right in there with 3 brothers and she had to stand her ground. A big old scrape is nothing to her!
2) This one is Grace entertaining Poppy. She’s such a case!
3) This one is Raynie entertaining Grammy. I’d get all ready for bed and come back in to tell them goodnight and the next thing I knew I was hooked. I can’t resist them!

I never made it to the basement to get acquainted with my new sewing machine today, but I’m headed down there, now. I memorized all the goodies in the 4-drawer chest this morning. Wow: lots of notions; a lifetime collection and I’m the winner! I love it. The other little chest and the machine are downstairs, so I’m headed down to ‘the cave,’ as Don calls it. God is so good! I’m sure He’s in control of all that’s happening with me and if He thinks I need a chill, then I’m good with it. I had said I wasn’t going to do any more garage sales because I have all the ‘stuff’ 10 people need, but I know He showed us that garage sale last Friday and nudged us to stop and find that sewing machine. It’s my birthday present for my 250th birthday Don says. How funny is he? I count Don and his sense of humor and generosity when count my blessings. Besides all that he counts and keeps the numbers correctly; I count and count and count and never get to the end. He counts like it’s a math test and I count like it’s fun.

All of life is fun; even being bald. Although, if I’m freezing because I’m bald, then I think I’ll welcome back my hair. God is so good: He gives us lessons we need to learn; maybe He’s saved me from spending the rest of my life bald and in hats by giving me these freezing days!


  1. you, I always thought I liked cold better than hot. If you're cold,you can always put on more clothes...if you're hot, you can be buck naked (or is it butt naked, I always wondered) and it's still hot. I know hot flashes are just a temporary power surge but still are a nuisance. My sister in law calls them "personal summers" I don't think I've ever been cold where I couldn't do something to fix it so for now, I still like cold better. I'm so glad you have all your hats to keep your head warm. It's looks like Raynie is eyeing your hat too. I love you. Terri

  2. Personal summers; I like that. You phrased it once as internal combustion; I think and that seems more like it to me, sometimes. I've learned that cancer doesn't like heat, though, so I'm respecting hot flashes more and wonder if God made them to help us fight of cancer.

    I just know that God is teaching me balance in all things. I have so much to learn!

    Hope you're able to go to work and feel good, tomorrow, Sis.

    Love you,

