Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Today has been another good day. I worked all day getting the house ready for the housekeeper to come tomorrow. How silly is that? Well, it’s just how it has to be. Before I can dust or vacuum I have to go through and pick up everything. So, it’s the same way with someone else doing the dusting and vacuuming; I had to go through and pick up all the loose things! There are still some stashes of ‘stuff’ that she’s just going to have to go around until I can get them organized. This is good for me, because it’s forcing me to get things better organized. She was going to come at 8:30 in the morning, but she just called to ask if it was okay if she came at 12:30. That was GREAT, because it means I can type out her instructions tomorrow instead of staying up tonight to do it! I have the rough draft done, thanks to Don starting it for me. Bless his heart. He is so organized; it just comes naturally to him. I have to work at it, but he helps me with it a lot. The last thing I would do is make a list; I mean where does one keep a list? Right! My list is always lost, so what would the point be in making one? Well, I do make lots of lists; even if I lose them it helps me to remember what I wrote, and sometimes I can find my list! Well, I have instructions for Angelica and will put it in a plastic window and put that in the box of cleaning supplies. I did all the laundry and changed our sheets so I’ve done all the dust strewing things. It feels good to be ready for her.

Tonight is also the night I get to increase my medication for the neuropathy. Ruthie was confused about it, so maybe I should explain it again. Probably I wasn’t clear last week. Last week I was taking 400-mg. per day. The doctor had me increase it to 600-mg. per day starting last Tuesday. Tonight I am to increase it to 900-mg. per day. I’m hoping this level will do the job. Every night it begins to hurt as the time to take the medication gets closer. I only have 3 more treatments, so I sure hope this increase will get me through to the end of these treatments. After these treatments I will start another kind of chemo, which is a combination of 3 different chemos. I only take it once every 3 weeks.

The pictures on the blog tonight:

1) This is Raynie playing fun and games with Dorothy yesterday.
2) This is Gracie modeling her hand me down outfit from Sasha (my next door neighbor). You’ll recognize her stance; it’s the modeling stance she taught me for my hats! Notice David in the background doing his breathing treatment.

God is so good to take good care of us. Things work; not always the way we expect, but they work. I thank Him for being in control. I ask Him to give me patience and strength to accept and appreciate His control. So often I want to do it MY way; I know His way is best and love Him for keeping control. I thank Him for you to help me with your support and love!


  1. Hi Jo! Your pics today are so precious. Grace is such a doll baby just like Rayne. Is Rayne pronounced Rain or Rain e? She is a sweet doll baby too.
    You are so right about letting God have control. Once we learn how to stop trying to manage the outcome of every predicament, and turn to God in prayer for his help then everything is solved so much better. Even little things like giving in and getting help with housework. I can identify with you about straightening up before the help comes! Ha! At the end of the day you have a clean and uncluttered home.
    Thanks for starting every day for me with a smile, love in my heart for others, and counting my blessings! Hi to Don. XXOO Linda R.

  2. Linda, it's always a blessing to me to hear from you! Thanks for loving our babies like we do.

    Rayne is pronouced Rain, but we call her Raynie, which is pronounced Rain e. She is such a sweetie. She's so much fun now, because she is really interactive with us. She is so alert to when someone is around and she wants to smile and talk to them. She's another big blessing. (She weighs over 9 pounds, now.)

    I'll think of you every time the housekeeper comes (lots more, too) because you encouraged me so strongly to have her come. I'm looking forward to her coming; I didn't mind getting ready for her and I know it will smell all clean and fresh when she leaves and I really don't have to do the hard work.

    I hope sometime you and Tom will come out to see us. I know it's a long way and gas is so high; besides you stay so busy. There will come a time, though, maybe. I hope so.

    Love you,

