Sunday, September 16, 2007

Tomorrow we are going to OKC with David and Dorothy Rule. Dorothy has an appointment to see if there are some aids that can help her with her loss of vision due to macular degeneration. (See, I have nothing compared to that, in my book!) Dorothy’s appointment is the next street over from where Tricia’s house is, so we’ll get to go by and see Raynie and Tricia, at least. If we get there in time we’ll get to see Gracie, too. That’ll be a great way to start our week! I’ll probably nap in the car, so the trip will be harder on everyone else than on me.

Today’s pictures are more pink pictures of me. I had a plan for a whole different outfit this morning, but Don said, “Are you wearing pink today?” I told him I wasn’t and he told me he was, so I re-grouped and came up with this outfit. I know people pay attention to what I’m wearing THIS time, so it’s better if we don’t clash. HA! So, now I have next week’s outfit already planned because I can wear the one I had planned for today.

My rest day went well. I have only thanks to give today! I’m having shooting pains in my toes and fingers which are very painful, but that’s a small price to pay. Things are going well. The Taxol is working. Tuesday I can increase the medication, so I hope that will make these shooting pains go stop. My vision is blurring today, but that’s probably a side effect of the medication. Anyway, none of this is anything compared to the price Jesus paid for us, so I’m not complaining. God is so good to us; I thank Him for blessing us so richly. God bless you all!


  1. You always did look good in pink!


  2. You look so pretty in all that pink. I love you...Terri

  3. OK, I am a copy cat! Like Gene and Terri, you are beautiful in pink. Just beautiful!! In fact I haven't seen you look bad in any color or outfit! That winning smile of yours will win anyone over with a bang. Now I sound silly, don't I? Sometime I can get real good at that. The news is great for you and I pray that God will continue to Bless you and your Family and Friends and He will!! Keep up the smiles that makes all of us smile real big with you. Hope you had a good visit with Gretta and Family.
    With Love and Prayers
    Dot and Frazier

  4. Terri, you are such a sweetie, too. You guys will have me tossing all the other colors!

    Love you,


  5. Gene; you're too much. Anything American looked good to you guys! Ha! (I know; it was the same with the girls!)

    Love you and thanks for the compliment,

    Mary Jo

  6. Ha! Dot, you saved the other colors. I was ready to toss them all, but you think it might be the smile, so I'll save the other hats! I won't worry so much about the gap in my teeth, either. You saved the day. Ha! You don't sound a bit silly to me; you sound like you might be my mom, though, and wouldn't I be proud if you were! I'd be like Jane and know that you were my ray of sunshine!

    It was Trish we got to visit today. We only got to See Grace and Raynie, but they were in great form for us. Raynie was just full of coos, goos, and smiles. It was a great fix for us.

    I'm concerned about Ruthie, (Phil called and told me they're putting her in the hospital with pneumonia.) but she's got to get rid of that cough! I wonder if this is why she was so weak; maybe she had walking pneumonia all the time? I'm no doctor, but I can't help but wonder!

    Love you,


  7. So pretty in pink - you do look very good in that outfit. Glad to hear the Taxol is working. You're always in our thoughts and prayers (you too Don!). Love you guys. B & Z

  8. B&Z, thanks so much for your prayers, love, and compliments! I'm flying high on all these great words!

    Love you all,

    Jo (and Don, too)
