Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The analysis.

Tonight's picture is one I took of Gabe and Nate the night they helped Rob fix the hole in the ceiling in their kitchen. It's hard to believe these two guys who were just little tots nearly no time ago are grown up enough to do big repairs around the house! Nate is a freshman at OU and Gabe is a sophomore in high school. Wow; they amaze me. Those bodies are rock solid, too. Both of them are way taller than me and in a hug contest they are both winners!

Today I stayed in for fear of the allergens! I was able to wear my contacts all day, so that was good. I started throwing herbs in the basement on the pool table. I thought that would work better because it's out of the way. Being out of the way is good, but I've made a million trips up and down the stairs to get more herbs and vitamins. That's good exercise for me, I guess. This herb and vitamin throwing is such a huge job. I need to get them thrown to take me through March, so it's a big job. I only have two more days completed, so I've got to get some finished pretty soon. I guess I'll be doing this all week. It's a good thing to keep me out of the outside air that is so full of pollens. I'm still thanking God that I don't have these allergy problems all year. I'm not allergic to anything in Hawaii; I bet you know where that logic is taking me! :) I sure thank God that we've gotten to spend enough time there to know I'm not allergic to anything there, but I know there's no way we could move there. We're blessed to have a good home, here. I just have to know when to stay in out of the pollen and be grateful for a good home.

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