Friday, May 4, 2007

Exploration Station and Grace

The mother bird is still sitting on the eggs. She flies away when we use the door, but I guess she sits there enough to get the job done. She’s still at it, anyway. She keeps us entertained.

What entertaining she doesn’t do, Grace does! We took her to Hobart’s new Exploration Station today. The community raised the funds, bought sort of a kit and then built Exploration Station last week. Today was our first day to take Grace and she loved every bit of it. I also took her to the park near our house and she enjoyed feeding the crusts from her sandwiches to the ducks. (Of course I’d been saving them; can’t throw away anything!) I had the camera with me when we fed the ducks, but I was too busy to use the camera. You’ll have to imagine that. I got lots of pictures of Grace at Exploration station. She’s really good at playing! She knows her way around playground equipment; she’s a professional, I’d say.

Don played basketball with her after dinner. She’s watching TV and he’s mowing the yard. As soon as he comes in he’ll shower; then she and I will get our baths. She loves blowing her hair dry. We love her haircut; it’s so easy to fix and seems to suit her personality so well.

Today Grace and I made cookies (easy, cut them up and bake them kind). We’ll have a tea party here in the morning with Grace and Sonia and Sasha from next door. (I hope I remember to get pictures!) Then we’ll have cookies for canasta tomorrow night. We’re celebrating birthdays for two of our canasta crowd and Grace’s birthday the 25th of April. We’ll run through with a sweeper and duster and we’ll be ready!

Weather is great, here; tornados north of us. They move east and north, so we’re safe from these. We count our blessings!

God bless us all!


  1. What a Joy our Grandchildren are and to us Great Grandchildren! Thanks so much for all the great pictures of Grace. She looks like an angel to me! I just love her from her pictures and from your comments on her! Well, let me tell it like it is, I enjoy the whole bit. The iris are just beautiful! Mom was such a lover of flowers and had some of all kinds in her yard. She bought some hybird iris bulbs from a place that was called Hall's Iris Hill in Ky. Each one had a name and she knew them all. She gave us some bulbs but they have not been taken care of since we moved here and they still bloom but so pretty as they would be if they had the care they need. Your Great Sister, Ruthie is a good to keep up in touch with everyone and everything going on around us that we would totatally miss otherwise. Keep that positive attitude you have and as you always say GOD BLESS US ALL! He sure does that to the fullest.
    With Love and Prayers,

  2. Dot, it's so good to hear from you! I was missing hearing from you and thought, 'Surely Ruthie would tell me if Dot was sick?' I know you get busy like all of us do. Thanks for loving my grandchildren with me; I find them so irresistable! Now, our company has all come and gone and it's a good thing we like each other a lot or we'd be lonely. It's been fun to have folks and we miss them. We're enjoying home, though. I'm so thrilled to have the bird, still. We had popcorn left from the canasta gang and I left it out for the mother bird. I hope she likes it and can stay close to the nest instead of running off to hunt for food.

    Take care of you two!


