Wednesday, November 7, 2007

A bit better day.

Today started out really well. I got up and got dressed right away. I was so tired of that gown even if Garrett and I do love it! I was walking around the house like I was going somewhere instead of just dragging one foot after the other. Then about lunchtime, all of a sudden, it was like I was a balloon with a slow leak. I just fizzled. I fixed Don’s salad and thawed his chicken and told him to eat whenever he got ready; I had to go to bed. I woke up after about an hour nap but didn’t even feel like getting up. I figured I needed the rest, so I laid there for another couple of hours. I talked to God; He’s great company! They say the rest is the best thing I can do for my numbers besides eating right, so I’ve got to get some good food in me for supper. I can do that.

The pictures on the blog today are Elena and I enjoying Ruthie’s bouquets that I cut yesterday. Aren’t we lucky to have them in November? I so love them! Notice in the second picture how black my middle fingernail is. It looks bad, but I really think they are feeling better! I thought last night when I went to bed that my neuropathy is down from a 7 to a 6 on a scale of 1-10. I thought it might be because I hadn’t done anything all day yesterday, but it still feels better today. I thank God for that! He is so good to us. This time for me to rest is good and I thank Him for that, too. Many people my age are still working outside the home. I don’t know how they do it and go through chemo, but many do. Many are younger and have children still at home, too. Of course, many don’t have husbands, and some have husbands who are demanding and some walk out on them. I’m so blessed and Thank God for my blessings. Thank you for caring enough to keep up with us! I know that I’m getting better and better every day. There will be down days and up days. But in the long run, I’ll be all better and bouncing off the walls this time next year. I look forward to it!

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