Thursday, November 29, 2007

Wigs? Hate them!

Last night’s pictures were such a shocker to me that I put on the wigs today. I know I’ll never go in public wearing any of these wigs. For one thing they are itchy, but I guess that’s why I should be wearing the little wig liner the volunteers gave me. The other thing is it’s just not me. If the wind blows or I bump my head, I like to be able to reach up and check how it feels. The wigs feel icky! I’d have to constantly be running to the mirror to make sure the thing isn’t sitting crooked and then I’d be reminded that it looks so ridiculous, even at best! So, see these pictures because it’s not likely to appear again. One thing is certain; I’m not wearing the platinum one anywhere! My hair was white when I was at the shop choosing a wig, so it seemed like the most natural one. It’s not me. Of course neither of the others look right either. I’m back to hats! I’ve got scarves yet to model, too. They don’t feel right on me, either. I’m just a baby grammy, I guess. HA!

Oh! I found my special Santas; my friend who did the fish and the bamboo on the wall behind me made them all. Now my Christmas decorating is complete. Thank you, Mike!

Today I’ve been as tired as last night’s pictures looked. Don said I did a lot today, but it seemed like nothing to me. He said, “Well, you were up and around and not laying or sitting around reading.” He’s right. I guess I just don’t have the energy to do much. I’m took a good nap this afternoon and will do that every day to be sure I get plenty of rest before Monday. It’s all I can do besides eat right to get my blood built back up.

I’ll really be glad when these weak blood days are complete. I really miss my sweet friends at the nursing home, but I can’t go visit them. I REALLY miss the grandkids and we can’t go visit them! The first thing I’m going to do when my blood is good is go see the kids; then I’ll go to the nursing home. I guess I love the extremes, huh?

I thank God for healthy grandkids and kids. I thank God for the sweet people at the nursing home who don’t have health, but God keeps them alive for some reason; maybe to help me grow in character. They are all blessings to me.

Tomorrow is red shirt day; don’t forget! God bless America!


  1. Well, I vote for the thrid one! Ha! I can just hear you say, "who's voting Ruthie...I said none of them are going to happen"! I sort of liked the pictures last night...I've gotten used to seeing you without hair so anything different will be a "shock"! Bottom look good with whatever so just do what feels good and remember "this too shall pass"....Mom said so! It's all part of the "character buiding" right? Get some rest and boost those numbers for next week!

    Love you!

  2. Hi Mom!

    You're right - the wigs aren't 'you'. I think you look really cute in the hats! Even without the hats or the wigs you look really cute! I know you feel like your pics look 'bad', but that's how you are supposed to look when you are on chemo! You really look good - don't sweat it! Pregnant ladies are round, old ladies are wrinkly and ladies on chemo look tired and all of them are beautiful.


  3. Ha, Ruthie, what a hoot you are: voting! You're right; none of these are in the running. I'm just clowning. It gets hard to come up with something to put on the blog, so I figured I'd put on the wigs instead of shooting my toenails and fingernails, again!

    Yes, I'm going to be quite a character by the time this is all done. Bless Mom's heart; yes, "This, too, shall pass." How well she knew, huh?

    Love you,

    Mary Jo

  4. Trish, what a dear you are! You have always had such a grounding effect on me. Just when I'm about to lose it, you come up with a sobering comment. You did it again this time. THANKS!

    But . . . I am a tired looking lady on chemo; I am a wrinkly old lady; I am a round lady . . . do you think there's hope I could be pregnant??? If so then maybe we've found the money tree you mentioned on the phone!!! I couldn't let that one go!

    I really love what you said and agree with you so much. I need to write a book of all the sobering things you've said to jerk me back to reality along my life!

    I love you,

