Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Confusion, my companion.

(NOTE: Linda Rose, please send me an email; I sent you an email that bounced, so I'm lost!)

This picture is so funny! Marti, from our Itazuke reunion, sent it today and I had to crack up. See the look of confusion on my face and my fingers in front of me? It looks like I was confused over counting my fingers! Likely I was! I get so confused with numbers and it’s sometimes funny. If I didn’t laugh I’d cry. I’ve always been a numbers nut, in that I love numbers and count everything just for fun. I get so baffled at counting, now; it’s pathetic. But, I’m alive and I love that! Don can count for me!

I talked to people all the time who ask if I’m really feeling good or if I’m just putting up a good front. I really do feel good. I make every effort to be honest. I should confess that when Don takes pictures for the blog I insist that he take 3 pictures so I can be sure I can get one to post. Often I have my eyes closed in at least one, and I reserve the right to pick the one that looks the best. So, to that degree I’m putting up a front. I really do feel good, though. I DO get baffled by any numbers. I DO lose track of what I’m doing and working out a plan is a BIG task for me. I see the difference and quickly blame it on chemo. I have to thank chemo for the shrinking of my tumor so that they could do successful surgery, though, so on one hand I blame chemo, but on the other hand I thank it. Most of all I thank God that I’m alive and feeling great. This picture came today and I had to post it. It so depicts how I feel often: confused!

I did manage to get all our Branson reservations made today! We’ll be there for 8 weeks! WOO HOO! I’m so excited about going. Don asked me why I’m so excited about it. It’s because we usually go to Branson for several weeks in the winter and we haven’t been able to do that for the last couple of years. Doing that feels like our life is getting back to normal. We love to go in the winter when the crowds aren’t there. It’s a beautiful place and a great place to get away. I hope we get snowed in for some of that time.

I so thank God that I do truly feel so good. I walk every day. I exercise every day. I can wear shoes with toes! I can thread a needle! I’m so pleased to have back the use of my fingers and toes! I’m enjoying being flat chested; I don’t miss boobs even a tad and these ‘falsies’ suit me just fine. I’m enjoying curly hair, even if it takes some getting used to having. I thank God for a second chance at life. I thank God for helping me to manage the lymphedema; it’s not a horrible thing. Life is a wonderful thing and I thank Him for it and for all you who support me through this.



    hiya maryjo

    finn says,

    ''i hope you get better soon,i send you lots of hugs,well done for being so strong''.

    love you mary

    amanda,mike,finn and jayke.

    the girls at hand were asking about you-feel free to stop by!

  2. Hi, Amanda, Mike, Finn, and Jayke! It's so good to hear from you. I'm always in such a run it seems, anymore. I work at slowing down, but there's so much to catch up on. Four of our grandkids are here for a couple of days, so these are real glory days for me!

    I hope you're loving your new home. I've got to stop by HAND soon; I think of you all so often!


    Mary Jo
