Sunday, March 25, 2012

Totally lost track of time.

Wow.  I am dangerous on this time; it doesn't get dark early enough to clue me into it's time to go to bed!  I'm going to have to get a grip on this time.  God doesn't do time, though, so I like just free lancing with Him.  I have schedules to meet, though, so I'd better start wearing a watch.  Ugh.

Tonight's picture is one I got of Dorothy and I after church today.  She went with me to the nursing home for a devotional there.  It's good for both of us to go because those people love to see us!  It's a win-win thing.

I discovered that I will have to get someone to mow for me.  I can't start the mower.  So, I pulled about 30 pounds of weeds out of the flower bed today.  Wish I was done, but there are probably another 10 pounds out there.  I never measured weeds by the pound before, but if I have to pick up the bags, then I notice how heavy they are!

I think God doesn't want me to do time or to mow.  I know it had to be a comedy for anyone watching me yank on that mower.  Really the mower was swinging me around by that cord!  I gave it about 100 pulls and decided that it would be cheaper to pay someone to mow than to pay the chiropractor to put me back into shape if I ever did get it started.  My sweet neighbor, who was probably the only one who saw me yanking on that thing, came over and gave me the speech about taking care of my self and some things you just have to give up.  I love her, and I so agree with her.  She was kind not to tell me that she saw me making a spectacle of myself.  She's a doll!  I thank God for Hazel!


  1. Jo, If you really want to mow your own yard, then invest in a riding mower that only requires turning a key to start! I don't think I could start a mower by pulling the cord any more. Of course, the mower having sat all winter is probably the reason it wouldn't start. I love to mow when I get the chance! Not meaning to be bossy, just thinking with my fingers! Love you, Linda

  2. You and Dorothy look so good in this picture...such a sweet friend and neighbor. Sounds like my weed eater pulling...can't get that started either so spent 2 hours pulling back is telling me so today too! Take care and get a teenager on that yard. Love ya, Donna

  3. Thanks, Linda. I don't really want to mow; I was just willing to do it. I'm not able to start it. I got a great guy who came and did it today. I thanked God for him, and you! Love you!

  4. Donna, thanks! Dorothy is a gift from God! We have such a tremendous bond. Take care of your back! God sent a wonderful guy who did my yard today. I'm blessed!
