Friday, March 9, 2012

Wonderful time!

This is a picture I got of us today.  Alyssa is figuring out how the camera is going to take our picture without someone making it work.  We toured all over Big Cedar today, enjoying all the great details here, and I forgot to take the camera with me.   We've had so much fun!  Leeann and Alyssa went swimming and went to a bonfire.  Dorothy and I went to the thrift store and the grocery store.   We ate good meals, played hand and foot canasta and we've even had a Bible study tonight.  It's been good, good, good!  We are sure blessed to have this time to share!  In this picture Alyssa is in the front.  Her mother, Leeann is on the far left.  Suzanne is next; then Dorothy and me.  I am tired, tired, tired; so ready for this bed!  God gives me great people in my life and I thank Him; He gives me rest and I thank Him for that, too.  God bless you, too.  Let's not leave any of His gifts "on the table."

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