Monday, April 1, 2013

Lee, got some hugs, too.

We sure needed to have those hugs from the Bryce man!  He doesn't even act like there was ever any surgery, but we are so relieved to see him so happy and healthy and hardy!  What joy it was for us to get to hold him a lot this past weekend.

I taught today for the 6th grade English and Literature teacher.  I sure love those kids!  I'm scheduled to teach for her again on Wednesday.  I sure hope I handle the treatment okay tomorrow so that I'm able to do the Wednesday gig.  Those kids are sure fun for me and they're a real boost for me.  I thank God for my own grandchildren and Lee's and all the other people's grandchildren who I get to have in school.  It's sure been fun for me to get to sub for the last two years.

Lee cleaned out the storage shed outside today and also the tool closet in the garage.  He had a lot worse day than I did!  Bless his heart, I hope he doesn't have to pamper me tomorrow!  We're going to bed early because tomorrow starts early.  We have to leave at 7:15 in the morning to make our appointment in Lawton at 8:30.  Our bed is calling me!  ZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


  1. Great!!! He needs lots of hugs too; give him one from us! I hope your treatment went well today! Love you! Ruthie

  2. Thanks, Ruthie! He loves the hugs from everyone! The treatment went fine today and so far I'm not having any problems! PTL! (Lee said to tell you, 'Thank you, thank you, thank you!'
