Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Thanks for warm scarves!

Today I’ve felt much better than yesterday. I guess getting up so early and then making the trip to Lawton and back is a bigger deal than I thought. Anyway, today was better even though I had lots of computer work to do.

My fingers and toes are not getting better quickly. I’d sure like for that to be different, but the fact is they still hurt. I can live with it, though. They say it takes months to heal those nerves, so I’m willing to wait and I can live with it if it never gets better. God knows what I can handle. I’m still freezing. I think that will pretty much stop as soon as the chemo is out of my system, as long as I can wear my hats. For now, though, I wear 3 or more hats all the time, and a scarf most of the time, now, too.

The picture on the blog tonight is me with my 3 hats and a scarf as I work on the books. Of the three pictures Don took, this is the only one with my eyes open. It’s the best we could do; either that or I needed my nap!

I thank God for ways to keep warm beyond household heat and the sunshine! I hope I don’t burn the microwave up heating rice buddies all day! I’m off to heat them, right now! Thanks for keeping up with us!


  1. I HATE TO HEAR THAT YOU ARE SO COLD! Garrett and I agree with Judi that you look exeptionally beautiful in the pink! It's definitely your color!

    Elena continued her fits today. I read online that I shouldn't give her what she wants but that I shouldn't leave her alone to do it. This is so hard!! Garrett was so EASY...she is too, but just so stronge willed!

    Love you!


  2. Thanks, Jilly, for your empathy about me being so cold. Thanks for the 'pink comments' too! I'll have to be sure and get more pink into my wardrobe! Thankfully pink is the breast cancer color, so I'm as close to in style as I'll ever be.

    You probably got good advise online, today. You need to be there in case she gets stuck or throws up or something. It's so hard not to give her whatever she wants, though. I so hate that you're having these fits to endure. It's a good thing I'm sick or I'd be there to save you all. (God knows what He's doing; He knows I'd come rescue her and give her whatever she wants!)

    Love you,

